
Run in your laptop

Instaling locally

CodeFlare can be installed from PyPI.


We recommend installing Python 3.8.6 using pyenv. You can find here recommended steps to set up the Python environment.

Install from PyPI:

pip3 install --upgrade pip          # CodeFlare requires pip >21.0
pip3 install --upgrade codeflare

Alternatively, you can also build locally with:

git clone
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install .

Using Docker

You can try CodeFlare by running the docker image from Docker Hub:

  • projectcodeflare/codeflare:latest has the latest released version installed.

The command below starts the most recent development build in a clean environment:

docker run --rm -it -p 8888:8888 projectcodeflare/codeflare:latest

It should produce an output similar to the one below, where you can then find the URL to run CodeFlare from a Jupyter notebook in your local browser.

[I <time_stamp> ServerApp] Jupyter Server <version> is running at:
[I <time_stamp> ServerApp]

Using Binder service

You can try out some of CodeFlare features using the My Binder service.

Click on the link below to try CodeFlare, on a sandbox environment, without having to install anything.
