Source code for codeflare.pipelines.Runtime

# Copyright 2021 IBM
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder.
# This file only contains a selection of the most common options. For a full
# list see the documentation:
# Authors: Mudhakar Srivatsa <>
#          Raghu Ganti <>
#          Carlos Costa <>

This class is the core runtime for CodeFlare pipelines. It provides the entry point for execution of the
pipeline that was constructed from codeflare.pipelines.Datamodel. The key entry point is the basic
execute_pipeline, with other enhanced entry points such as cross_validate and grid_search_cv.

The other methods provide supporting functions for execution of pipeline primitives. In addition to this,
methods for selecting a pipeline are provided as well as saving a specific pipeline instance along with
that pipeline's state.

Details on the execution and parallelism exposed are provided in the design documentation.

import ray

import codeflare.pipelines.Datamodel as dm
import codeflare.pipelines.Exceptions as pe

import sklearn.base as base
from sklearn.model_selection import BaseCrossValidator
from enum import Enum

from queue import Queue
import pandas as pd

[docs]class ExecutionType(Enum): """ Pipelines can be executed in different modes, this is targeting the typical AI/ML parlance, with the supported types being FIT for training a pipeline, PREDICT for predicting/transforming on the steps of a pipeline, and finally SCORE, which scores against a given input. """ FIT = 0, PREDICT = 1, SCORE = 2
@ray.remote def execute_or_node_remote(node: dm.EstimatorNode, mode: ExecutionType, xy_ref: dm.XYRef): """ Helper remote function that executes an OR node. As such, this is a remote task that runs the estimator in the provided mode with the data pointed to by XYRef. The key aspect to note here is the choice of input to be a pointer to data and not the data itself. This enables the access to the data to be delayed until it is absolutely necessary. The remote method further returns a pointer to XYref, which in itself is a pointer to the data. This again enables the execution to proceed in an asynchronous manner. In the FIT mode, the node is always cloned along with its estimator, hence the pipeline state is always kept in the "cloned" node. :param node: Estimator node whose estimator needs to be executed :param mode: The mode of execution :param xy_ref: Pointer to the data :return: A list of pointers to XYRefs """ estimator = node.get_estimator() # Blocking operation -- not avoidable X = ray.get(xy_ref.get_Xref()) y = ray.get(xy_ref.get_yref()) prev_node_ptr = ray.put(node) # TODO: Can optimize the node pointers without replicating them if mode == ExecutionType.FIT: cloned_node = node.clone() if base.is_classifier(estimator) or base.is_regressor(estimator): # Always clone before fit, else fit is invalid cloned_estimator = cloned_node.get_estimator(), y) curr_node_ptr = ray.put(cloned_node) # TODO: For now, make yref passthrough - this has to be fixed more comprehensively res_Xref = ray.put(cloned_estimator.predict(X)) result = dm.XYRef(res_Xref, xy_ref.get_yref(), prev_node_ptr, curr_node_ptr, [xy_ref]) return result else: cloned_estimator = cloned_node.get_estimator() res_Xref = ray.put(cloned_estimator.fit_transform(X, y)) curr_node_ptr = ray.put(cloned_node) result = dm.XYRef(res_Xref, xy_ref.get_yref(), prev_node_ptr, curr_node_ptr, [xy_ref]) return result elif mode == ExecutionType.SCORE: if base.is_classifier(estimator) or base.is_regressor(estimator): estimator = node.get_estimator() res_Xref = ray.put(estimator.score(X, y)) result = dm.XYRef(res_Xref, xy_ref.get_yref(), prev_node_ptr, prev_node_ptr, [xy_ref]) return result else: res_Xref = ray.put(estimator.transform(X)) result = dm.XYRef(res_Xref, xy_ref.get_yref(), prev_node_ptr, prev_node_ptr, [xy_ref]) return result elif mode == ExecutionType.PREDICT: # Test mode does not clone as it is a simple predict or transform if base.is_classifier(estimator) or base.is_regressor(estimator): res_Xref = ray.put(estimator.predict(X)) result = dm.XYRef(res_Xref, xy_ref.get_yref(), prev_node_ptr, prev_node_ptr, [xy_ref]) return result else: res_Xref = ray.put(estimator.transform(X)) result = dm.XYRef(res_Xref, xy_ref.get_yref(), prev_node_ptr, prev_node_ptr, [xy_ref]) return result
[docs]def execute_or_node(node, pre_edges, edge_args, post_edges, mode: ExecutionType): """ Inner method that executes the estimator node parallelizing at the level of input objects. This defines the strategy of execution of the node, in this case, parallel for each object that is input. The function takes in the edges coming to this node (pre_edges) and the associated arguments (edge_args) and fires off remote tasks for each of the objects (this is defined by the ANY firing semantics). The resulting pointer(s) are then captured and passed to the post_edges. :param node: Node to execute :param pre_edges: Input edges to the given node :param edge_args: Data arguments for the edges :param post_edges: Data arguments for downstream processing :param mode: Execution mode :return: None """ for pre_edge in pre_edges: Xyref_ptrs = edge_args[pre_edge] exec_xyrefs = [] for xy_ref_ptr in Xyref_ptrs: xy_ref = ray.get(xy_ref_ptr) inner_result = execute_or_node_remote.remote(node, mode, xy_ref) exec_xyrefs.append(inner_result) for post_edge in post_edges: if post_edge not in edge_args.keys(): edge_args[post_edge] = [] edge_args[post_edge].extend(exec_xyrefs)
@ray.remote def execute_and_node_remote(node: dm.AndNode, mode: ExecutionType, Xyref_list): """ Similar to the estimator node (OR node), this is the remote function that executes the AND node. The key to note here is that the input to execute on is a list of XYRefs as opposed to a single XYRef, which differentiates the type of nodes. Similar to the OR node, the output is again a pointer to a list of XYRefs. The execution mode is FIT for training, PREDICT for predicting/transforming, and SCORE for scoring. :param node: Node to execute :param mode: Mode of execution :param Xyref_list: Input list of XYrefs :return: Output as list of XYrefs """ xy_list = [] prev_node_ptr = ray.put(node) for Xyref in Xyref_list: X = ray.get(Xyref.get_Xref()) y = ray.get(Xyref.get_yref()) xy_list.append(dm.Xy(X, y)) estimator = node.get_estimator() # TODO: Can optimize the node pointers without replicating them if mode == ExecutionType.FIT: cloned_node = node.clone() if base.is_classifier(estimator) or base.is_regressor(estimator): # Always clone before fit, else fit is invalid cloned_estimator = cloned_node.get_estimator() curr_node_ptr = ray.put(cloned_node) res_xy = cloned_estimator.predict(xy_list) res_xref = ray.put(res_xy.get_x()) res_yref = ray.put(res_xy.get_y()) result = dm.XYRef(res_xref, res_yref, prev_node_ptr, curr_node_ptr, Xyref_list) return result else: cloned_estimator = cloned_node.get_estimator() res_xy = cloned_estimator.fit_transform(xy_list) res_xref = ray.put(res_xy.get_x()) res_yref = ray.put(res_xy.get_y()) curr_node_ptr = ray.put(cloned_node) result = dm.XYRef(res_xref, res_yref, prev_node_ptr, curr_node_ptr, Xyref_list) return result elif mode == ExecutionType.SCORE: if base.is_classifier(estimator) or base.is_regressor(estimator): estimator = node.get_estimator() res_xy = estimator.score(xy_list) res_xref = ray.put(res_xy.get_x()) res_yref = ray.put(res_xy.get_y()) result = dm.XYRef(res_xref, res_yref, prev_node_ptr, prev_node_ptr, Xyref_list) return result else: res_xy = estimator.transform(xy_list) res_xref = ray.put(res_xy.get_x()) res_yref = ray.put(res_xy.get_y()) result = dm.XYRef(res_xref, res_yref, prev_node_ptr, prev_node_ptr, Xyref_list) return result elif mode == ExecutionType.PREDICT: # Test mode does not clone as it is a simple predict or transform if base.is_classifier(estimator) or base.is_regressor(estimator): res_xy = estimator.predict(xy_list) res_xref = ray.put(res_xy.get_x()) res_yref = ray.put(res_xy.get_y()) result = dm.XYRef(res_xref, res_yref, prev_node_ptr, prev_node_ptr, Xyref_list) return result else: res_xy = estimator.transform(xy_list) res_xref = ray.put(res_xy.get_x()) res_yref = ray.put(res_xy.get_y()) result = dm.XYRef(res_xref, res_yref, prev_node_ptr, prev_node_ptr, Xyref_list) return result
[docs]def execute_and_node_inner(node: dm.AndNode, mode: ExecutionType, Xyref_ptrs): """ This is a helper method for executing and nodes, which fires off remote tasks. Unlike the helper for OR nodes, which can fire off on single objects, this method retrieves the list of inputs, unmarshals the pointers to XYrefs to materialize XYRef and then passes it along to the and node remote executor. :param node: Node to execute on :param mode: Mode of execution :param Xyref_ptrs: Object ref pointers for data input :return: """ result = [] Xyref_list = [] for Xyref_ptr in Xyref_ptrs: Xyref = ray.get(Xyref_ptr) Xyref_list.append(Xyref) Xyref_ptr = execute_and_node_remote.remote(node, mode, Xyref_list) result.append(Xyref_ptr) return result
[docs]def execute_and_node(node, pre_edges, edge_args, post_edges, mode: ExecutionType): """ Inner method that executes an and node by combining the inputs coming from multiple edges. Unlike the OR node, which only executes a remote task per input object, the and node combines input from across all the edges. For example, if there are two edges incoming to this node with two objects each, the combiner will create four input combinations. Each of these input combinations is then evaluated by the AND node in parallel. The result is then sent to the edges outgoing from this node. :param node: Node to execute on :param pre_edges: Incoming edges to this node :param edge_args: Data arguments for each of this edge :param post_edges: Outgoing edges :param mode: Execution mode :return: None """ edge_args_lists = list() for pre_edge in pre_edges: edge_args_lists.append(edge_args[pre_edge]) # cross product using itertools import itertools cross_product = itertools.product(*edge_args_lists) for element in cross_product: exec_xyref_ptrs = execute_and_node_inner(node, mode, element) for post_edge in post_edges: if post_edge not in edge_args.keys(): edge_args[post_edge] = [] edge_args[post_edge].extend(exec_xyref_ptrs)
[docs]def execute_pipeline(pipeline: dm.Pipeline, mode: ExecutionType, pipeline_input: dm.PipelineInput) -> dm.PipelineOutput: """ The entry point for a basic pipeline execution. This method takes a pipeline, the input to it and the execution mode and runs the pipeline. Based on the parallelism defined by the DAG structure and the input data, the execution of the pipeline will happen in parallel. In the FIT mode of execution, the pipeline can materialize into several pipelines which can be examined in further detail based on metrics of interest. The method select_pipeline enables selecting a specific pipeline to examine further. A selected pipeline can be executed in SCORE and PREDICT modes for evaluating the results or saving them for future reuse. Examples -------- Execution of pipeline is fairly simple and getting the output can be done: .. code-block:: python pipeline_output = rt.execute_pipeline(pipeline, rt.ExecutionType.FIT, pipeline_input) node_rf_xyrefs = pipeline_output.get_xyrefs(node_rf) :param pipeline: Abstract DAG representation of the pipeline :param mode: Execution mode :param pipeline_input: The input to this pipeline :return: Pipeline output """ nodes_by_level = pipeline.get_nodes_by_level() # track args per edge edge_args = {} in_args = pipeline_input.get_in_args() for node, node_in_args in in_args.items(): pre_edges = pipeline.get_pre_edges(node) for pre_edge in pre_edges: edge_args[pre_edge] = node_in_args for level in range(len(nodes_by_level)): nodes = nodes_by_level[level] for node in nodes: pre_edges = pipeline.get_pre_edges(node) post_edges = pipeline.get_post_edges(node) if node.get_node_input_type() == dm.NodeInputType.OR: execute_or_node(node, pre_edges, edge_args, post_edges, mode) elif node.get_node_input_type() == dm.NodeInputType.AND: execute_and_node(node, pre_edges, edge_args, post_edges, mode) out_args = {} terminal_nodes = pipeline.get_output_nodes() for terminal_node in terminal_nodes: edge = dm.Edge(terminal_node, None) out_args[terminal_node] = edge_args[edge] return dm.PipelineOutput(out_args, edge_args)
[docs]def select_pipeline(pipeline_output: dm.PipelineOutput, chosen_xyref: dm.XYRef) -> dm.Pipeline: """ Pipeline execution results in a materialization of several pipelines, this entry point method enables the end user to select a specific pipeline to examine in further detail. Typical way of examining a pipeline is to select a specific output and then "request" which pipeline generated it. Internally, the runtime has generated "trackers" to keep a lineage for every input and output and which node generated it. These are then selected to create the appropriate pipeline that can be scored, predicted, and saved. Examples -------- Selecting a pipeline can be done by identifying an output object of interest. One can select the pipeline without going to the output node, i.e. looking at some internal nodes as well .. code-block:: python # one can examine the output in more detail and select a pipeline of interest selected_pipeline = rt.select_pipeline(pipeline_output, node_rf_xyrefs[0]) :param pipeline_output: Pipeline output from execute pipeline :param chosen_xyref: The XYref for which the pipeline needs to be selected :return: Selected pipeline """ pipeline = dm.Pipeline() xyref_queue = Queue() xyref_queue.put(chosen_xyref) while not xyref_queue.empty(): curr_xyref = xyref_queue.get() curr_node_state_ptr = curr_xyref.get_curr_node_state_ref() curr_node = ray.get(curr_node_state_ptr) prev_xyrefs = curr_xyref.get_prev_xyrefs() # TODO: Avoid redundant gets from Plasma for prev_xyref in prev_xyrefs: prev_node_state_ptr = prev_xyref.get_curr_node_state_ref() if prev_node_state_ptr is None: continue prev_node = ray.get(prev_node_state_ptr) pipeline.add_edge(prev_node, curr_node) xyref_queue.put(prev_xyref) return pipeline
[docs]def get_pipeline_input(pipeline: dm.Pipeline, pipeline_output: dm.PipelineOutput, chosen_xyref: dm.XYRef) -> dm.PipelineInput: """ Given the output from a pipeline and a chosen output object, this method gets the inputs that were used to generate this output. Combining the input and the selected pipeline, one can then actually recreate the full provenance -- graph and data to execute the selected pipeline. Note that once the persistence of objects in memory or other persistent stores is lost, it is not possible to get the data. :param pipeline: Executed pipeline :param pipeline_output: Output from the executed pipeline :param chosen_xyref: Chosen object from the output :return: The pipeline input (for the given chosen object) """ pipeline_input = dm.PipelineInput() xyref_queue = Queue() xyref_queue.put(chosen_xyref) while not xyref_queue.empty(): curr_xyref = xyref_queue.get() curr_node_state_ptr = curr_xyref.get_curr_node_state_ref() curr_node = ray.get(curr_node_state_ptr) curr_node_level = pipeline.get_node_level(curr_node) prev_xyrefs = curr_xyref.get_prev_xyrefs() if curr_node_level == 0: # This is an input node for prev_xyref in prev_xyrefs: pipeline_input.add_xyref_arg(curr_node, prev_xyref) for prev_xyref in prev_xyrefs: prev_node_state_ptr = prev_xyref.get_curr_node_state_ref() if prev_node_state_ptr is None: continue xyref_queue.put(prev_xyref) return pipeline_input
@ray.remote(num_returns=2) def split(cross_validator: BaseCrossValidator, xy_ref): """ A remote function that splits the data based on the provided cross validator. This allows for remote data to be split without having to "collect" the data to a driver. :param cross_validator: Cross validator :param xy_ref: XYRef that needs to be split :return: List of train and test XYRefs, the number determined by the cross validator get_n_splits """ x = ray.get(xy_ref.get_Xref()) y = ray.get(xy_ref.get_yref()) xy_train_refs = [] xy_test_refs = [] for train_index, test_index in cross_validator.split(x, y): if isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame) or isinstance(x, pd.Series): x_train, x_test = x.iloc[train_index], x.iloc[test_index] else: x_train, x_test = x[train_index], x[test_index] if isinstance(y, pd.DataFrame) or isinstance(y, pd.Series): y_train, y_test = y.iloc[train_index], y.iloc[test_index] else: y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index] x_train_ref = ray.put(x_train) y_train_ref = ray.put(y_train) xy_train_ref = dm.XYRef(x_train_ref, y_train_ref) xy_train_refs.append(xy_train_ref) x_test_ref = ray.put(x_test) y_test_ref = ray.put(y_test) xy_test_ref = dm.XYRef(x_test_ref, y_test_ref) xy_test_refs.append(xy_test_ref) return xy_train_refs, xy_test_refs
[docs]def cross_validate(cross_validator: BaseCrossValidator, pipeline: dm.Pipeline, pipeline_input: dm.PipelineInput): """ Similar to sklearn cross validate, but a parallelized version on Ray with zero copy sharing of data. This method allows for the user to explore a pipeline with a single input object to be explored by cross validation. The output is a list of scores that correspond to the SCORE mode of the pipeline execution. Examples -------- Cross validation is quite simple: .. code-block:: python kf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=10) scores = rt.cross_validate(kf, pipeline, pipeline_input) :param cross_validator: Cross validator to use :param pipeline: Pipeline to execute :param pipeline_input: Input to the pipeline :return: Scored outputs from the pipeline """ has_single_estimator = pipeline.has_single_estimator() if not has_single_estimator: raise pe.PipelineException("Cross validation can only be done on pipelines with single estimator, " "use grid_search_cv instead") result_grid_search_cv = _grid_search_cv(cross_validator, pipeline, pipeline_input) # only one output here result_scores = None for scores in result_grid_search_cv.values(): result_scores = scores break return result_scores
[docs]def grid_search_cv(cross_validator: BaseCrossValidator, pipeline: dm.Pipeline, pipeline_input: dm.PipelineInput, pipeline_params: dm.PipelineParam): """ A top-level method that does a grid search with cross validation. This method takes pipeline, the input to it, a set of parameters for the pipeline, and a cross validator similar to the traditional GridSearchCV of sklearn and executes the various pipelines and cross validation in parallel. This method will first transform the input pipeline and expand it to perform a parameter grid search and then the cross validator is run in parallel. The goal is to execute each of the cross validation for each of the parameter combination in parallel to provide the results. The results are captured in a dict that maps each pipeline to its corresponding cross validation scores. Examples -------- An example of grid search using a parameter grid similar to what SKLearn does: .. code-block:: python k = 2 kf = KFold(k) result = rt._grid_search_cv(kf, pipeline, pipeline_input) # Results can be examined by iterating over the pipeline, for example to pick a best pipeline based # on mean scores best_pipeline = None best_mean_scores = 0.0 for cv_pipeline, scores in result.items(): mean = statistics.mean(scores) if mean > best_mean_scores: best_pipeline = cv_pipeline best_mean_scores = mean :param cross_validator: Cross validator for grid search :param pipeline: Pipeline graph :param pipeline_input: Input to the pipeline :param pipeline_params: Parameter space to explore using a grid search approach :return: Dict from pipeline to the cross validation scores """ parameterized_pipeline = pipeline.get_parameterized_pipeline(pipeline_params) parameterized_pipeline_input = pipeline_input.get_parameterized_input(pipeline, parameterized_pipeline) return _grid_search_cv(cross_validator, parameterized_pipeline, parameterized_pipeline_input)
def _grid_search_cv(cross_validator: BaseCrossValidator, pipeline: dm.Pipeline, pipeline_input: dm.PipelineInput): """ Internal helper method to do a grid search CV on the "expanded" pipeline. This method does not expand the input parameters and simply executes a grid search with a cross validator. The key is to explore the various pipelines in parallel and then provide the lineage from the output for each pipeline that was explored. :param cross_validator: Cross validator :param pipeline: Pipeline graph :param pipeline_input: Pipeline input :return: Dict from pipeline to the resulting cross validation scores """ pipeline_input_train = dm.PipelineInput() pipeline_input_test = [] k = cross_validator.get_n_splits() # add k pipeline inputs for testing for i in range(k): pipeline_input_test.append(dm.PipelineInput()) in_args = pipeline_input.get_in_args() # Keep a map from the pointer of train to test train_test_mapper = {} for node, xyref_ptrs in in_args.items(): # NOTE: The assumption is that this node has only one input! xyref_ptr = xyref_ptrs[0] if len(xyref_ptrs) > 1: raise pe.PipelineException("Grid search supports single object input only, multiple provided, number is " + str(len(xyref_ptrs))) xy_train_refs_ptr, xy_test_refs_ptr = split.remote(cross_validator, xyref_ptr) xy_train_refs = ray.get(xy_train_refs_ptr) xy_test_refs = ray.get(xy_test_refs_ptr) for i in range(len(xy_train_refs)): xy_train_ref = xy_train_refs[i] xy_test_ref = xy_test_refs[i] pipeline_input_train.add_xyref_arg(node, xy_train_ref) train_test_mapper[xy_train_ref] = xy_test_ref # for testing, add only to the specific input for i in range(k): pipeline_input_test[i].add_xyref_arg(node, xy_test_refs[i]) # Ready for execution now that data has been prepared! This execution happens in parallel # because of the underlying pipeline graph and multiple input objects pipeline_output_train = execute_pipeline(pipeline, ExecutionType.FIT, pipeline_input_train) # For grid search, we will have multiple output nodes that need to be iterated on selected_pipeline_test_outputs = {} out_nodes = pipeline.get_output_nodes() for out_node in out_nodes: out_node_xyrefs = pipeline_output_train.get_xyrefs(out_node) for out_node_xyref in out_node_xyrefs: selected_pipeline = select_pipeline(pipeline_output_train, out_node_xyref) selected_pipeline_input = get_pipeline_input(pipeline, pipeline_output_train, out_node_xyref) selected_pipeline_inargs = selected_pipeline_input.get_in_args() test_pipeline_input = dm.PipelineInput() for node, train_xyref_ptr in selected_pipeline_inargs.items(): # xyrefs is a singleton by construction train_xyrefs = ray.get(train_xyref_ptr) test_xyref = train_test_mapper[train_xyrefs[0]] test_pipeline_input.add_xyref_arg(node, test_xyref) selected_pipeline_test_output = execute_pipeline(selected_pipeline, ExecutionType.SCORE, test_pipeline_input) if selected_pipeline not in selected_pipeline_test_outputs.keys(): selected_pipeline_test_outputs[selected_pipeline] = [] selected_pipeline_test_outputs[selected_pipeline].append(selected_pipeline_test_output) # now, test outputs can be materialized result_scores = {} for selected_pipeline, selected_pipeline_test_output_list in selected_pipeline_test_outputs.items(): output_nodes = selected_pipeline.get_output_nodes() # by design, output_nodes will only have one node output_node = output_nodes[0] for selected_pipeline_test_output in selected_pipeline_test_output_list: pipeline_out_xyrefs = selected_pipeline_test_output.get_xyrefs(output_node) # again, only single xyref to be gotten out pipeline_out_xyref = pipeline_out_xyrefs[0] out_x = ray.get(pipeline_out_xyref.get_Xref()) if selected_pipeline not in result_scores.keys(): result_scores[selected_pipeline] = [] result_scores[selected_pipeline].append(out_x) return result_scores
[docs]def save(pipeline_output: dm.PipelineOutput, xy_ref: dm.XYRef, filehandle): """ Saves a selected pipeline, i.e. this selected pipeline will save the state of the estimators enabling for the end user to load and execute the pipeline in SCORE/PREDICT modes in the future. Examples -------- Saving a selected pipeline can be done as follows: .. code-block:: python # this pipeline can also be saved fname = 'random_forest.cfp' w_fh = open(fname, 'wb'), node_rf_xyrefs[0], w_fh) w_fh.close() :param pipeline_output: Pipeline output from an executed pipeline :param xy_ref: The chosen XYRef that will be used to materialize a selected pipeline :param filehandle: The file handle to save this pipeline to :return: None """ pipeline = select_pipeline(pipeline_output, xy_ref)